Damage control towards our trees

Billions of trees are destroyed yearly due to both controlled and uncontrolled situations. Many experts have a number of things to suggest regarding what to do to take care of the trees after the damage is done. But you know how the famous saying goes “Prevention is better than cure” which basically speaks about how preventing a problem beforehand is better than looking for a cure afterwards. In this case, preventing damage to the trees in the first place should be given priority.

Ways in which trees are damaged:

  1. Environmental conditions

It matters a lot in what environment the tree is living. It impacts the overall health of the tree. For example, if a particular tree is not getting the required supply of minerals because the soil isn’t fertile anymore due to erosion or there is no water available due to a drought-like situation, the tree will slowly begin to die.

  1. Deforestation

It is the most obvious guess. This practice is one of the key causes of global warming too. The trees are just cut down as per the needs of humans. Sometimes, they clear half of the forests for some ambitious industrial project without thinking about how they are actually taking the lives of so many trees.

  1. Pests and diseases

Similar to how humans fall sick due to numerous diseases, trees can too be attacked by various kinds of harmful insects, not forgetting the life-damaging fungus and bacteria. Trees can be infected through any of them in any part maybe the canopy, roots, branches or trunk. 

  1. Natural Calamities

There are so many natural disasters that occur, have occurred and will occur. They are a major contributor to damaging and destroying trees. Floods, droughts, storms, and cyclones snatch the natural conditions of the trees or sometimes just leave them uprooted from their place.

  1. Not under good maintenance 

Just like us humans, trees also need care and affection which can only be seen and shown through taking care of them on a regular basis. People show carelessness there thereby resulting in depriving the tree of its basic necessities like sunlight, air and water.

Apart from all the above-mentioned reasons for damage, wildfires should be brought into the spotlight as a huge number of trees are destroyed due to them. Wildfires are naturally caused because of the whole oxygen, fuel and heat trio. But, let’s not forget that human activities are also a contributor to starting wildfires artificially. Due to a lack of responsible behaviour on part of people like people who go camping, or the ones who burn garbage in the forests, wildfires are caused. According to research. Ten times more trees are damaged due to these wildfires than the natural ones.

Before moving on to the prevention part, let us first understand why is it important for us humans to take care of the trees.  The most basic reason is that we are humans at the end of the day, we have more control over our surroundings and environment than other living beings like the trees and it shouldn’t be even said that we have to take care of it if we want to live in it for the upcoming centuries.

Now, when it comes to prevention, the most crucial thing that one needs to do is to be observant. There are a lot of signs that trees give when they need help like thin branches for starters. Proper pruning practices can keep the tree in good shape both internally and externally. Adequate water supply and fertilising to provide the necessary minerals to the tree are of utmost importance. One should not forget that just like our own monthly health checkups are required for us to stay aware of all the possible risks, in the same way, trees also need a seasonal checkup by a tree doctor.

The situation is getting really out of control when every day in the newspaper we see some news or the other when the trees are being affected so badly due to negligence on our part. So, it’s time to do the right thing.

Putting it in a more relatable manner, it is more of a give and take situation. If you take care of the trees, nurture them, and do not abandon or rob them of their existence, they will do the same for you in return.

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