“A matter of safety”

From researching what tree you want to plant to taking the leap of faith and actually planting that tree hoping it will grow healthier and stronger with time, it is a task. But, is the goal achieved here? What about the responsibility that comes with it, the duty of keeping the tree safe from all that can hinder its growth or existence at an extreme point? 

In this era, where everything is changing so rapidly, let’s not change the way we used to treat the trees. Since ancient times, there are various communities who tend to believe in worshipping the trees because they believed that life on earth cannot even be there if there are no trees.

Some will say that watering the trees and ensuring that they get an adequate amount of sunlight and air is enough work done on their part to keep them maintained but wait no, there is a lot more you can do and should do for them to ensure their safety.

Now, that we know why to keep them safe and that our duty is not fulfilled, let’s throw some light on how to keep the trees around us safe.

  1. Go organic

Instead of using chemical fertilisers, start using organic ones to ensure that the trees live longer. Organic fertilisers are said to have all kinds of nutrients both micro and macro which they tend to provide to the plant throughout their existence, therefore, building them stronger.

  1. Don’t forget your roots

Never put any heavy equipment or anything on the soil because it can affect the soil in a negative manner, therefore, weakening the roots. Also, grading may also result in killing the roots and weakening the base of the tree.

  1. The trunk of the tree

If the trunk of the tree is not strong enough, then it can easily invite the pests for an attack. It is important to make sure that through the young age of the tree, special care is taken towards the tunk, it can be through mulching and creating a space between the tree and grass.

  1. Pest control

Pests are the antagonists of the story of trees. They can harm or sometimes even head towards giving the tree a slow death. So, beware of these and take help from a professional who can ensure that trees will be safe from these pests through whatever medicines.

  1. Unnecessary pruning

In order to make the tree look more visually appealing, sometimes we prune too much not knowing that too much pruning is not healthy for the tree and directly attacking its strength. So, it’s always good to consult a specialist to understand your trees i a better way.

These were some things that you can keep in mind while growing trees, but other than these, there are also a few little things which you should do in order to protect the species of trees in total.

  1. Buy recyclable paper products

More paper means more cutting of trees, simple. So, next time you go shopping, double-check if it has recyclable paper. Start using cloth over paper when and wherever it’s possible.

  1. Avoid deforestation

You might be bored of hearing about it but it is something you need to take an active action towards. If not anything, then plant more trees.

  1. Volunteer towards safety of trees

A lot of NGOs give an opportunity to volunteer towards the safety of the trees and their existence. Be a part of it. A step forward is growth itself.

  1. Acts by the government

There are many large scale governmental projects which lead to cutting down of trees and sometimes even more than half of the forests are cleared. This is something that should be taken care on the part of the government and a reminder should be given that trees are not the cost that has to be paid for development.

The safety of trees is of concern at both a personal level and the society levels. A few little conscious steps can do wonders sometimes. Even if there are people who are not realising the importance of this, there should be more and more people every day waking up and working consciously towards the protection of the dear trees. Start with your home, then neighbourhood followed by state, country and then international levels. If we won’t do it then who will. Let’s be human afterall. Now, more than ever we need to keep the trees closer to us, in the best shape possible. If we humans are said to be selfish, let’s be selfish and protect these trees if not for them then for our own safety.

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